Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Project Proposal

For my project, I'm going to be taking my readers through a typical varsity soccer season at UMW. I'll be including when our upcoming matches are, who we are playing, and what happens in the games. I also hope to have a few player bios and introduce you to our team! Once we get a little farther into conference play, I'll be detailing how the conference tournament works and where each school is ranked. Hopefully I'll even be able to tell you about how the NCAA tournament functions, as well. However, the season will eventually come to an end. After that, I'll be blogging about the ankle surgery I'll most likely be having in late November.

Go Wash!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited about your digital story plans! As I read your previous posts this semester related to the team, I was wondering if (and hoping!) the team's journey this season would become your digital story. I look forward to your posts and learning about the sport through an insider's perspective. I think it will be really interesting to get your perspective/reflections as an actual athlete on the team about upcoming matches and what happens in the games, as opposed to reading about a game in a newspaper article. What a "fresh," intriguing way to tell the story of the team!
