Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fan Fiction

Ugh. I'm trying to think of something, anything that I'm crazy about for our last project. I've come to the conclusion that, I'm not obsessed with anything. Ask any of my good friends, I'm really not! This is kind of embarrassing because according to Prof Groom's prompt, obsession is what drives the internet and it's creativity. Soo.. sorry I'm not contributing my share. So I don't really watch any shows frequently... I don't have a favorite song or artist or movie. I'm very nonchalant about pop culture. I guess I do really like to dance... and I'd dance around in my room to nsync when I was younger. So if we have to create some sort or mash up again, maybe I'd do something about dancing and music videos or something..? I also like watching football, but I haven't been good at following my skins lately (ugh, last night. now that was embarassing) so I can't honestly say I'm obsessed with them. I kinda feel like I'm going to struggle with this last assignment due to my lack of obsession :(


  1. Nothing comes of nothing. Speak again.

  2. [...] can definitely relate to Karen’s reaction to our latest assignment; I’m a non-obsessor when it comes to TV, movies, stories, etc.  [...]
