Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shark Week

Shark Week

A lovely day at the beach, my girlfriends and I decided to take a dip in the water. All of a sudden, we heard a commotion on the sand. I thought people were checking us out, but they looked frantic. We turned and saw a dark shadow in the waves and realized it was a shark! We ran for our lives and found the relief of the hot sand. We looked back and discovered a fat man in a shark suit trying to scare the beach goers.

A quick narrative by Carlie Hampton , Mina Recta , and Karen Strat


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jim Groom, Jim Groom. Jim Groom said: What's more, our rapid prototyping of visual storytelling tonight in #ds106, one group made an impressive shark story http://bit.ly/dzqdmL [...]

  2. Nice work ladies. I really enjoyed your shark tale with a twist. It was cute how it ended instead of a shark a strange guy in a shark suite. How original!?!
